Hold command

The Hold command is used to put both legs of the call into Hold state. You can only change back the callstates to InCall state with Unhold command. (Find out what kind of CallStates a call can have.)

Command example usage:

If a decision needs to be made about the call, it's advised to put both parties to Hold state with this command. And after the decision has been made you can set the call back to InCall state, transfer the parties or hang it up.


Parameter name Value Description Mandatory
CallId string value,
e.g. XzeOK
The call ID of the call you want to hold. By default it is known from the CallChanged notification. No

OzML example:

1st the speak engine says to all participants: "This call will be put on hold" Then it puts the call on hold.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Speak Party="all">This call will be put on hold</Speak>

Hold command is used in OzML responses to this notification:

CallChanged, RecordCompleted

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