Set the target URL of the IncomingSMS notification

Step 1: Login to Ozeki Phone System (Figure 1).

ozeki phone system login screen
Figure 1 - Ozeki Phone System login screen

Step 2: Click on the HTTP API tab (Figure 2).

ozeki phone system home screen
Figure 2 - Ozeki Phone System home screen

Step 3: Click on the 'API extension notifications' menupoint on the left side of the screen(Figure 3).

http api tab
Figure 3 - HTTP API tab

Step 4: Click on the 'Add notifier' button (Figure 4).

api extension notifications menupoint
Figure 4 - API extension notifications menupoint

Step 5: Click on the 'Incoming messages' tab (Figure 5).

add notifier menupoint
Figure 5 - Add notifier menupoint

Step 6: Fill out the 'Incoming message URL' input box and click 'OK'. (Figure 6). Now you have successfully set the target URL of the IncomingSMS notification.

incoming messages tab
Figure 6 - Incoming messages tab

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