
In this page you can read about what type of CallStates you can get as a response to the ListActiveCalls command. It's also a parameter in the CallChanged notification.

Possible values:

Value Description
Ringing When the callee's phone is ringing.
InCall When the conversation happens.
Hold When the call is on a hold state.
Error If the call was terminated due to an error.
Cancelled If the caller ends the call in Ringing callstate. (e.g. He gets bored of ringing the phone with no answer.)
Transferred If the call has been transferred.
Busy If the caller or callee has a busy button on the phone and presses it. Or if the call is in Ringing callstate for a predetermined time period, the callstate changes to Busy.
Completed If the caller or callee hangs up the call.
Answered The call has been answered. This state occurs only once per call.

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