Ozeki Systems is a leading internet telephony and mobile messaging software vendor. It offers easy-to-use and feature-rich telcommunication products for businesses and organizations. The company is actively working on delivering more innovations to increase the productivity of it's customers.

Ozeki is a dynamically growing company, based in Debrecen, Hungary. It was established in 2000 by Hungarian private investors. The company works with International clients and is focused on keeping the good reputation it has earned through the years. It's products are used by businesses worldwide.

What makes Ozeki different is that it provides cutting edge technology by continuous development. Once a product is released, the company does not suspend the development. New versions are released very frequently. The short development cycle provides competitive advantage and makes it possible to provide fast and efficient support. During the support sessions with customers, the engineers often learn that something can be done better. In this case the product is immediately modified to make it better.

The aim of this website is to help you add new technology to your existing IT system. This site provides information on , and it presents popular solutions on how to improve your IT environment with this technology. You will also find helpful video tutorials and step-by-step installation guides to speed up the integration process.

Ozeki Informatics Ltd.
1-5 Nagy Lajos kiraly ter
Debrecen, Hungary

E-mail: info@ozekiphone.com
Telephone: +36 1 371 0150

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