Ozeki Phone System - Licensing policy

Pricing model

I. Initial investment

One-time license fee
When you purchase an Ozeki Phone System software license, you only need to pay a one-time fee without paying any additional fees or royalties.

Lifetime license
You can use the purchased Ozeki Phone System license for as long as you wish.

One year of version updates is included
The price of Ozeki Phone System includes a one-year term of free version updates. Within this period the latest version of the phone system can be downloaded from the Ozeki Phone System download page and it can be activated using the license code received on purchase.

3 months of technical support is included:
The price of Ozeki Phone System includes a 3-month term of free technical support. We can provide you technical assistance by e-mail, telephone and Skype

II. Annual maintenance (optional)

The price of Ozeki Phone System software license includes three months of free technical support and 1 year of free version updates. Support for additional periods can be purchased. We can provide technical support by e-mail, telephone or Skype. Support terms are covered in the following webpage: Support terms

III. Policy on discounts

No discount is available for end users. Resellers are entitled to discount prices. The discount percentage is determined by the number of licenses sold by the reseller.

Licensing model

I. Standard policy

You get all the features with all licenses:
You only need to decide how many calls you wish to handle since all Ozeki Phone System licenses ensure the same functionalities

License costs are determined by desired call capacity (number of simultaneous calls):
Each Ozeki Phone System software license provides the very same functionality, so you can make purchase decision depending on the numbers of simultaneous calls you need. You can start with fewer calls and then you can upgrade to a higher capacity license easily

Licenses are differentiated by the number of simultaneous calls:
Ozeki Phone System's licensing model is based on the number of the simultaneous calls you wish to handle. You can start with a lower capacity license or you can even make 2500 simultaneous calls efficiently

II. Evaluation license, limitations

You can use Ozeki Phone System in trial mode to test all of the features, but it has some limitations:

Time limit: The trial version has a limited time for usage. You can use the software in trial mode for a 20 day evaluation period

Occasional reminder voice messages: Randomly in some calls, an automated voice will play in a prerecorded message to remind the user to purchase a license

Please use this trial mode to decide if the program meets your requirements

More information

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