Linksys SPA 901, 921, 941, 922, 942, 962

In this page you can get informed about some Linksys SPA IP phones (the setup and available features) that you can use in your Ozeki Phone System network. If you intend to have such devices in your system, this page offers great help in the setup and using of these IP phones.

After purchasing a good quality IP phone, you must register them. You can register the Linksys IP phones (and make basic configurations) this way:

  • check the IP address of your device. Press **** (asterisk/star key) quickly
  • after getting in the "configuration menu" dial 110# and take note of the IP address
  • Launch your browser and type in http://IP_address_of_your_device and hit Enter
  • you can configure your Linksys SPA device, then click on "Submit All Changes" to save these configurations

linksys spa ip phone registration and configuration
Figure 1 - Linksys SPA IP phone registration and configuration

Linksys SPA Series

According to the high technology solution of your Ozeki Phone System, you can choose any of the Linksys SPA IP phones as an extension. When choosing the proper IP phone, you must take into consideration that:

  • some phones support some features and others do not (e.g voicemail or multiple call management)
  • which Ozeki Phone System features should be available on you IP phones
  • if you choose IP phones that do not support all the Ozeki Phone System features, you must have another device (e.g computer or other new generation device) that are capable for using them (it is adviseable if you want to restrict some employee's telecommunication and not restrict other's)

Linksys IP Phones in your Ozeki Phone System PBX

It is quite an easy task to have any Linksys SPA IP phones in your Ozeki Phone System network. In order to do this, you must install them as extesnions. You can do it this way:

  • do the registration and basic configuration explained above
  • enter your Ozeki Phone System webgui (graphical user interface)
  • in the menu, choose Connections, then Extensions
  • click on Install in the page
  • fill out the blank from: provide the user data that will be needed for the IP phone
  • push the MENU button on the Linksys device
  • choose SIP Settings and provide the same used data that you have provided in the webgui
  • enjoy voip phoning with your Ozeki Phone System in great quality

Now you have nothing else to do but to repeat this quick and easy process with each Linksys SPA device. You can also make advanced configurations:

To get to know more about the high quality VoIP communication you can acquire with your Ozeki Phone System PBX, check these pages as well:

If you have become interested, please watch our video:

Linksys SPA 901, 921, 941, 922, 942, 962 (Video tutorial)

More information