What is VoIP Tunnel?

In this section you will be informed about VoIP tunnels, the tools of VoIP communication insurance. From this article you can get to know the importance of VoIP tunnels in the case of VoIP blocked countries, firewalls and encrypted communication. You can use VoIP tunnel if you want to manage safe, encrypted VoIP calls to avoid unpleasant events.

VoIP tunnel is a service that you can order from service providers. With VoIP tunnel, you can initiate encrypted VoIP calls through any VoIP service, so of course through Ozeki Phone System.

When initiating a safe voip call from your voip phone, this call goes through an encoded SIP connection to the voip tunnel. The voip tunnel decodes it for the Ozeki Phone System server, and the call arrives to the callee (Figure 1).

what is voip tunnel
Figure 1 - The place of the VoIP tunnel in the VoIP call

You can use this solution in VoIP blocked countries, from behind firewalls or when you need encrypted VoIP communication.

VoIP Blocked Countries

There are numerous countries in the world where VoIP communication is blocked or restricted. In most cases blocking is not made by the countries, but by the ITSPs, the Internet Telephony Service Providers to prevent competition.

With ordering a VoIP tunnel from a service provider, you can easily get through these restrictions and use your Ozeki Phone System telecommunication system on the maximum.


With different voip tunnel solutions all the firewalls can be bypassed. Firewalls are used for secure network communication. If there is a firewall, the proper destination (the called extension) can not be reached without a voip tunnel.

Safe Encrypted VoIP Calls

In the case of encrypted voip calls, the call initiated by the Ozeki Phone System client must be encoded to avoid unauthorized access. When the call arrives to the Ozeki Phone System server, it must be decoded to let the server work. The VoIP tunnel's task is to encode and decode the data packets. With this process the VoIP tunnel ensures the secure Internet telephony.

To get to know more about VoIP calls and its components, please take a look at our other articles and be an expert:

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