What is a STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) server?

What does STUN stand for?

STUN stands for Session Traversal Utilities for NAT.

It is a standardized set of methods and a network protocol. The STUN protocol allows applications that are operating behind a NAT (Network Address Translation) (i.e. behind a firewall) to obtain their public IP addresses and the port number that the NAT has allocated for the application's UDP (User Datagram Protocol) connections to remote hosts. With the help of the STUN server the NAT clients can call VoIP providers,that are hosted outside of the local network.

The STUN protocol is documented in RFC 5389, which is the improvement of the original STUN protocol, the so called "Classic STUN", that is defined in RFC 3489. The improvement was neccessary, because the Classic STUN had many faults.

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