VoIP definitions

  • ATA - (Analog Telephone Adapter): Device what connects traditional telephones and computers or with network of computers. This way, you can achieve the Voice over Internet.
  • Ring Group: You can attach more devices to one telephone extension. When this extension is called, all devices of the group will be ringed. You can modify the behaviour with different strategies.
  • Call Queue: When this extension type have been called by more than one users, the extension will make a queue for the incoming calls. If the count of the incoming calls are greater than the avaliable operators, then the leftover incoming calls are waited by the extension. When an operator becomes avaliable, the next call in the queue is connected to this operator. Amennyiben egy melléket tárcsáz több telefonáló, akkor egy hívási sor felhasználásával irányíthatóak a szabad operátorok irányába a betelefonálók. A sorrend kötött, és amint felszabadul egy operátor, a sorban következő betefonáló kerül összekapcsolásra vele.
  • ISDN - (Integrated Services Digital Network): The analog telecommunication networks are changed to this digital telephone system. Not only the traditional voice calls can be performed, but the sending of other media data is avaliable, too, with better quality and speed.
  • IVR - (Interactive Voice Response): An automated service, that uses a predefined menu system for receiving and handling the incoming calls. The callers can navigate in this voice menu to get relevant information.
  • Conference Room: You can connect more voice calls with the VoIP technology, so all participants of the call can communicate with the other callers.
  • PSTN – (Public Switched Telephone Network): The aggregation of the world's all public voice-oriented networks.
  • SIP - (Session Initiation Protocol): Internet communication protocol for building a connection between two or more participants.
  • SoftPhone: An application, that helps to make VoIP based calls from your computer (notebook, tablet, smartphone). So you do not need a real hardware telephone to make calls.
  • VoIP Service Provider: A company, that supplies internet, telephone or mobil services.
  • WebPhone: You can place a virtual telephone to you site. With that virtual telephone your costumers can freely call your company. Mostly, this technology is supported by a modern telephone system with VoIP technology.

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