What are the Benefits of an IP PBX VoIP Phone System?

You can see below the list of the main benefits of using an IP PBX VoIP Phone System.

  • Easy to install and manage via webbrowser based configuration interface:
  • Thanks to the webbrowser based configuration interface VoIP Phone Systems are transparent and easy to understand and use, not like most of the non-IP PBX systems, which are so called "black boxes", meaning that they are closed systems. These "black boxes" can not be configured by simple users, just by the professionals who created them.

  • No need for separate phone wiring:
  • Today IP PBX systems do not need separate phone wiring, because they use computer networks. Owing to this desktop phones and softphones can be connected to the PBX over LAN, WAN or the Internet.

  • Mobile phones can connect to the PBX:
  • In today’s business world, most people have a mobile phone but they aren’t exploited enough during work. The main reason to this is that they have no direct access to the corporate PBX. But it has changed with VoIP Phone Systems, because mobile phones can connect to the PBX and make phone calls using an Internet data connection now.

  • Two way mobile text messaging:
  • IP PBX systems support two way mobile text messaging with delivery reports and short codes.

  • Provides mobility by remote extensions:
  • VoIP Phone Systems provide great mobility for businesses by allowing the employees to work from home using a remote extension. With this you can increase your company's productivity by employing people, who are willing to work for your business from their homes.

  • No vendor lock in:
  • A great benefit of using a VoIP Phone System is that, as it's name suggests, it uses VoIP technologies and thanks to that you can use any SIP compatible IP hardware phones or softphones. You are not bound to any specific brand or type.

  • Allows users to use their existing phone numbers:
  • IP PBXs allow the users to use their existing phone numbers by connecting to their current telephone providers through VoIP Gateways or cards, therefore they don't have to buy a new phone to use the PBX.

  • Reduce your monthly telephone bill:
  • It is always beneficial to reduce your company's expenses and there is a great way to it. With the help of VoIP Phone Systems you can use SIP trunks, VoIP providers or the Skype Connect service to save on your monthly telephone bill.

  • Provides software developer APIs for the most common programing languages:
  • The IP PBX systems are more developer friendly than the previous non-IP PBX systems, because they provide software developer APIs for the most common programming languages, which are:

    • C#.net
    • VB.NET
    • Java
    • PHP
    • Perl
    • Python
    • Ruby
    • Javascript
    • HTML

  • Easy to integrate to CRMs, ERPs and other IT systems:
  • Integration is one of the key advantages of a PBX. With an IP PBX you can easily and efficiently extend the services and functionalities of your CRM and ERP systems. Moreover by using an IP PBX all communication services will be controlled form a central platform.

  • Can be connected to any ODBC compatible database server:
  • VoIP Phone Systems can be connected to any ODBC compatible database server to log and use information available, to authenticate users, to manage calls and to send and receive mobile messages. Such databases are the followings: Microsoft SQL, Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, Access, etc.

  • Easy to improve and expand:
  • VoIP Phone Systems make it possible to connect your new corporate telephone system to your existing system. It means that you do not need to start configuration from the very beginning but you can just extend your communication system easily.

For more information visit: VoIP FAQ

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us at info@ozeki.hu

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