Basic examples for Ozeki VoIP .NET API
The basic examples are being introduced by two popular programming languages within the .Net framework: C# .NET and Visual Basic .NET.
You can learn here how to add reference to Ozeki Phone System SDK, how to make, accept, record and route calls, how to send and receive SMS messages by using C# .NET.
Learn more about C# .NET VoIP api
You can learn here how to add reference to Ozeki Phone System SDK, how to make, accept, record and route calls, how to send and receive SMS messages by using C# .NET.
Learn more about C# .NET VoIP api
Visual Basic .NET
You can learn how to make, accept, record and route calls, send SMS messages etc. by using Visual Basic .NET. You will also find here several source codes, and step-by-step guides.
Learn more about Visual Basic .NET VoIP api
You can learn how to make, accept, record and route calls, send SMS messages etc. by using Visual Basic .NET. You will also find here several source codes, and step-by-step guides.
Learn more about Visual Basic .NET VoIP api
More information
- Basic examples, written by using .NET
- Free example projects for .NET developers