OzML reference book

OzML (Ozeki XML) is an XML language which uses predefined commands. These commands are used in responses to the notifications coming from the phone system. To write an OzML command this is the standard form:
<command parameter1="..." parameter2="..."> 'a parameter between the command nodes' </command>

An OzML response is always between <response> nodes:
<response> 'commands and their parameters between the nodes' </response>

Response to Api Extension Control notifications:
ArrayA data structure, which can store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements.
BlindTransferTransfers the call during the conversation, and leaves the conversation.
CallCalls a number with a programmable API extension to make operations on the call later on.
DelayDelays the next command in the response command OzML with the specified time.
DeleteFileDeletes the source files which are not needed anymore, from a specified directory.
ForEachLoop command, which is for going through on the elements and items of a specified array.
GoToRequests the specified URLs and executes the OzML commands received from the URL.
HangupTerminates a call in progress by ID.
MoveFileMoves source files into specified target directories.
PlayPlays an audio file (local or downloaded from URL) in an existing call for the parties respectively.
ReceiveAlarmNotificationReceive an alarm notification from an alarm system using Ademco Contact ID protocol.
RecordRecords the voice of the current call.
RejectRejects an incoming call to an API extension. It can be used only as first command in a response.
SendAlarmNotificationThis command can be used to send an alarm notification with Ademco Contact ID protocol.
SendEmailThis command can be used for sending out e-mails to e-mail addresses.
SendSmsThis command can be used for sending SMS messages to mobile phones.
SpeakReads a text using the text to speech engine into a call in progress.
UserinputExecutes commands between <InitialCommands></InitialCommands> nodes, than waits for the user to press DTMF keys.
VarAn implicit type variable, means the compiler determines the variable's type.
Response to Third Party Call Control notification:
AttendedTransferIf getting a call, you can put it on hold and call a 2nd number, then connect the call with the 2nd number using AttendedTransfer.
BlindTransferTransfers the call during the conversation, and leave the conversation.
ForwardForward a call by ID to another number if it can't be answered.
HangupTerminates a call in progress by ID.
HoldPuts both legs of the call from InCall state to Hold state by ID.
PlayPlays an audio file (local or downloaded from URL) in an existing call for the parties respectively.
RecordRecords a chosen call.
SendDTMFSends a DTMF message to a participant
SpeakReads a text using the text to speech engine into a call in progress.
UnholdPuts both legs of the call to InCall state by ID.
Response to Call Routing notification:
RouteRoutes a call in response to call interception notification.

Example - How to use Call command

The Call command can be used to initiate a voice call. It makes an API extension call a number and do tasks with the call. The tasks are declared in an OzML response document as seen below.

call command work
Figure 1 -How does the Call command work

Step 1: Create a call using a HTTP request, for example:


Step 2: Accept the CallConnected request from the Ozeki Phone System on your webserver and return an XML to handle the call. Example request sent by the Ozeki Phone System PBX to your webserver: http://yourapp.com/callconnected.php

OzML example response returned by callconnected.php:

  <Speak>Congratulations, this is your first OzML Response command.</Speak>
  <Speak>Have a nice day!</Speak>

To send a test response to a call connected request in a simple manner using the tester, fill out the Response OzML field. You can choose from Example OzMLs or write your own one.

You can learn more about OZML from the OZML Documentations.