Unhold command

The Unhold command is used to put both legs of the call to InCall state. It only works if a Hold command was initiated to hold both legs of the call. (Find out what kind of CallStates a call can have.)

Command example usage:

It is used the reverse the effect of the Hold command.


Parameter name Value Description Mandatory
CallId string value,
e.g. 23Xdz7
The call ID of the call you want to unhold. By default it is known from the CallChanged notification. No

OzML simple example:

Unholds call ID 23Xdz7.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <Unhold CallId="23Xdz7"></Unhold>

Detailed example:

Unholds the call the CallChanged notification refers to. Finally the speach engine says to all participants: "This call has been put back to InCall state."

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <Speak Party="all">This call has been put back to InCall state.</Speak>

Unhold command is used in OzML responses to this notification:
CallChanged, RecordCompleted

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