Array command

The Array is a data structure, which can store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements. Every Array has an ID which is clearly identify that array and it has undeterminded number of string items.

Command example usage:

It's really practical when you would like to collect all of your information about the incoming new and old messages.


Parameter name Value Description Mandatory
ID string value,
e.g. sampleArray
This ID will clearly identify the array and you can reach this array with this ID. Yes

OzML simple example:

The ID of this array is „sampleArray”. For example if you would like to reach that array to iterate it with ForEach loop, the source of the ForEach will be that ID. And the Array has two items: the Hello and the Welcome.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
And you can iterate this array with the ForEach loop.
	<ForEach source'sampleArray'>

MoveFile command is used in OzML responses to these Api Extension Control notifications:
Var, Call, Hangup, SendSMS, Play, Speak, BlindTransfer

More information