SendSms command

The SendSms command is used for sending SMS messages to mobile phones.

To send an SMS you need to connect to an SMS modem or an SMPP server. Find out how you can connect to an SMS modem. After you connect you need to set up a dial plan.

<SendSms> command example usage:

You can use it to send out SMS based receipts. For example a customer pays through an IVR and gets an SMS receipt. You can also use it to send out a new password for a client as a response to his IVR based request. Or if a client orders a product through IVR, he/she could get the payment details in SMS.


Parameter name Value Description Mandatory
ApiExtension int value,
e.g. 9994
Specifies which api extension is added to the command. Yes
Sender string value,
e.g. +061554669
The phone number the recipient will see as the sender. By default it is the phone number set in the SMS modem installation using Ozeki Phone System. No
Recipient string value,
e.g. +062554670
The destination phone number. Yes
Message string value,
e.g. Hello! How are you?
The content text of the message. Can be provided between the command nodes. Yes
DeliveryReportURL string value,
The SMSDeliveryReport notification is sent to this URL. If it is left empty no notification will be sent out. No

OzML simple example:

An SMS is sent to +062554670 with this content: "Hello! How are you?"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <SendSms Recipient="+062554670">Hello! How are you?</SendSms>

Detailed example:

1st the speach engine reads: "An SMS will be sent to +062554670." Then an SMS is sent to +062554670 with this content: "Hello! How are you?" Then the speach engine says: "The SMS has been sent." At the end the call is hanged up.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <Speak>An SMS will be sent to +062554670.</Speak>
  <SendSms Recipient="+062554670">Hello! How are you?</SendSms>
  <Speak>The SMS has been sent.</Speak>
SendSms command is used in OzML responses to these Api Extension Control notifications:
GoTo, RecordCompleted, DtmfEntered, SMSDeliveryReport, IncomingSMS, IncomingCall, CallConnected

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