Helper class

The helper class contains methods which lets you query out information from the OzWebclient instance.


getActiveCallsOfExtension(extensionId)Retrieves the active calls of the specified extension.
getActiveCallsOfUser(userId)Retrieves the active calls of the specified user.
getActiveSessionById(sessionId)Retrieves the session by the specified session ID, or null if the session does not exists.
getActiveSessionsBySessionState(sessionState)Retrieves the sessions by the specified session state.
getCallHistoryOfExtension(extensionId, properties)Initiates a getCallHistory request with the specified extension ID.
getExtensionById(id)Retrieves the extension with the specified ID, or null if the extension does not exists.
getExtensions()Retrieves the extensions configured in Ozeki Phone System.
getExtensionsByType(extensionType)Retrieves the extensions whose type equals to the specified type.
getOutsideLineById(id)Retrieves the outside line with the specified ID, or null if the outside line does not exists.
getOutsideLines()Retrieves the outside lines configured in Ozeki Phone System.
getOutsideLinesByType(outsideLineType)Retrieves the outside lines whose type equals to the specified type.
getUserByExtension(extensionId)Retrieves the user instance by the specified extension ID, e.g returns the user whose device list contains the specified extension. *
getUserById(userId)Retrieves the user instance by the specified user ID, or null if the user does not exists.


The helper class does not have any events.


Nor does it have enumerations.

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