How to setup Database authenticator

For automating telephone access management in your IT system, the Ozeki Phone System provides an outstanding opportunity to connect VoIP phones to your PBX without adding any new SIP extension on the GUI of your phone system. Database Authenticator SQL API enables to create SIP accounts and authenticate extensions by simply keeping your database up to date. In this guide you will see how to install and configure Database authenticator SQL API in Ozeki Phone System.

Step 1: How to install Database authenticator SQL API
Step 2: How to configure Database authenticator SQL API
Step 3: Table structure
Step 4: Create table scripts

Step 1: How to install Database authenticator SQL API

On the next page, click on the Install button right next to the Database authenticator SQL API (Figure 4).

how to install database authenticator in ozeki phone system
Figure 1 - Install Database authenticator

Step 2: How to configure Database authenticator SQL API

In this step you will see how to configure Database authenticator SQL API.

Database Authenticator has an SQL Templates tab. The following figure shows the SQL queries makes it possible to verify if a SIP account is available or not in your database. The following values will be selected from the database:

  • username: The phone number of the SIP extension.
  • authname: The authorization name is used for authentication purposes.
  • password: The password is also used for authentication.

sql template in ozeki phone system
Figure 2 - SQL templates of Database authenticator

Step 3: Table structure

After the Database Authenticator SQL API has been configured in the Ozeki Phone System XE, you need to create the database tables for Database Authenticator SQL API. Use the following table layout:

  • ozpbxusers table
Name Type
authname varchar(45) (primary key, auto increment)
username varchar(45)
password varchar(45)

Step 4: Create table scripts

Microsoft SQL Server
Database authenticator
-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Table `OzekiPBX`.`ozpbxusers`
-- -----------------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE ozpbxusers
authname varchar(45) PRIMARY KEY,
username varchar(45) NOT NULL,
password varchar(45) NOT NULL,
Microsoft SQL Express
Database authenticator
CREATE TABLE ozpbxusers
authname varchar(45) PRIMARY KEY,
username varchar(45) NOT NULL,
password varchar(45) NOT NULL,
Database authenticator
CREATE TABLE ozpbxusers
authname varchar(45) PRIMARY KEY,
username varchar(45) NOT NULL,
password varchar(45) NOT NULL,
Database authenticator
`authname` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
`username` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`authname`),
UNIQUE INDEX `username_UNIQUE` (`username` ASC))
Database authenticator
CREATE TABLE ozpbxusers
authname varchar(45) PRIMARY KEY,
username varchar(45) NOT NULL,
password varchar(45) NOT NULL
Sybase (SQL Anywhere)
Database authenticator
CREATE TABLE ozpbxusers (
authname char(45) NOT NULL,
username char(45) NOT NULL,
password char(45) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (authname)
Database authenticator
CREATE TABLE ozpbxusers
(authname varchar(45) NOT NULL,
username varchar(45) NOT NULL,
password varchar(45) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (authname)}
Database authenticator
CREATE TABLE ozpbxusers
authname char(45) PRIMARY KEY,
username char(45) NOT NULL,
password char(45) NOT NULL
Database authenticator
CREATE TABLE ozpbxusers
(authname C(45) PRIMARY KEY,
username C(45) NOT NULL,
password C(45) NOT NULL}

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