(serverAddress, webphoneId, callback) method

It shows if a webphone outside line is available or not in Ozeki Phone System. If it is not available there is no need to connect the webclient to it.


serverAddress: It is a mandatory string parameter. It is the IP address of Ozeki Phone System. As a default it checks port number 7777.
Example value: ""

webphoneId: It is a mandatory string parameter. It is the connection name of the webphone outside line in Ozeki Phone System. This outside line will be checked if it is available.
Example value: "Webphone1"

callback: It is a mandatory callback parameter. It is the name of the function which will be called when the checkWebPhoneState method runs. This function will get an input parameter which is an object with a boolean attribute called isAvailable. If this attribute is true then the webphone outside line is available, if it is false it is not available.


state: Type: string. The actual state of the webphone.

Method usage example

In this example if the webphone outside line is available, the webclient will try to connect to it (Code example 1).

var serverAddress = "localhost";
var webphoneId = "Webphone1";

//checks webphoneState of "Webphone1" and calls the webphoneState function
OzWebClient.checkWebphoneState(serverAddress, webphoneId, webphoneState); 

function webphoneState(info) {
		console.log(webphoneId + " is available.");
		//tries to connect to "Webphone1" on "localhost"
		OzWebClient.connect(serverAddress, webphoneId);
		console.log(webphoneId + " is NOT available.");
Code example 1 - OzWebClient.checkWebPhoneState(serverAddress, webphoneId, callback) method example

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