What is Hosted PBX (Hosted Private Branch Exchange)?

This article will help you to get to know the definition of Hosted PBX that is also called Virtual PBX. Nowadays, every business needs to have a reliable phone system that provides good quality services since a phone system can help to improve both internal and customer relations. Even small businesses can afford a subscription because Hosted PBXs offer low-cost services.

Hosted PBX is a simple PBX where you can subscribe for a telephone centre service via the Internet. After you have subscribed you have access to the phone centre. Your access depends on your subscription. If your company has a call centre and you want to have a certain number of lines, you can subscribe for a package where you can have the number of lines you need.

You will have an account that enables you to use these phone lines. You will have a telephone number where users can reach you. If someone wants to call you, the phone centre will transmit the calls to your phones by a certin kind of strategy. You have the chance to adjust the strategy in the phone centre to your needs. For example you can set all phones to ring when someone calls, or just one line after one another.

Some Features of Hosted PBX (Figure 1)

what is hosted pbx
Figure 1 - What is Hosted PBX?

  • you can customize music on call-holding
  • you can send fax messages without a fax machine
  • offers free conferencing
  • fax messages and voicemails are sent to your e-mail address
  • wherever you are in the world you can use the phone system you subscribed for but you need an Internet connection to do so. It connects through a VoIP provider and therefore the costs are low.
  • responsible for handling the equipments needed for hosted PBX services


The PBX's (server) job is to set up communication lines between participants. The system connects internal telephones within a company and then connects these internal phones to a PSTN. PSTN is the traditional phoning system.

Roles of PBX

  • connection establishment
  • connection preservation
  • ends connections
  • records data

Types of PBX

  1. PBX
  2. Hosted or Virtual PBX
  3. IP PBX
  4. Hosted or Virtual IP PBX

Ozeki Phone System can provide hosted pbx features, you just have to download it from our site. If you install it you can have the pbx features mentioned above integrated into your Local Area Network.

Get more information on Hosted PBX related pages:

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What is Hosted PBX? (Video tutorial)

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