transfer(target) method
If a call object is added to the program, this method can run on it. It is used to transfer a call. It works after the phone is picked up. The connected webclient is the transfer party, who will transfer the other party to the target. The target is the input parameter of the method.
target: Type: string. The target phone number. e.g. "2000"
Possible Exceptions:
An exception will be thrown if the target was not specified.
Method usage example
You can set your program to build the myFirstCall object in the call class.Then you can start the call. After this you can wait for some time to pass and transfer the other party to a given number (Code example 1).
var calledNumber = "1000"; var myFirstCall = OzWebClient.createCall(calledNumber); //constructor of the call myFirstCall.start();//starts the call //transfers the call after 1 minute to the 2000 setTimeout('myFirstCall.transfer(2000)', 60000);
More information
- Accept() method
- AttachCamera(camera) method
- Forward(target) method
- GetCallState() method
- GetOtherParty() method
- HangUp() method
- Hold() method
- OnCallStateChanged event
- OnMessageReceived event
- Reject() method
- SendMessage(message) method
- Supported operating systems
- Start() method
- Transfer(target) method
- UnHold() method